Educause Connect presentation on 10/2/08
Excellent presentation. Not so much new stuff....but nicely integrated, synthesized, and presented.
Slide deck Download LIVE0820.ppt is excellent - some great visuals. You may not learn too many new things - but you may learn a few choice things - so I recommend viewing.
One thing that struck me was a slide of Michael Wesch's CMS.
Netvibes was just not on my radar screen as a CMS - or even as something we could use to help us better conceptualize and visualize what a social-learning, student-driven CMS could look like. (click on image to see the full size). Does anyone know anything about Netvibes in the CMS space?
Every time I listen to an online presentation I think of how much better it is to do professional development in this medium.
- Ability to multi-task while listening
- Ability to interact with presenters and audience with chat tools
- Ability to share presentation with colleagues (from archive)
- Ability to retrieve presentation later
- Ability to use presentation materials for teaching (I shared with my e-commerce class)
- Ability to not get on an airplane.
Having done these things (using Adobe's Connect Tools as well) - I also know that it is a real skill to design and give a synchronous online presentation. Are we teaching these skills to our students, our faculty? We should be, as this will only expand dramatically.
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