Thought I'd "publish" my findings from my lecture capture literature review in this format, with the hopes that an improved version will make it into a final report.
Methodology and Research Questions:
The research methodology was "googling" - I basically collected everything I could find from Educause conference presentations and publications, university websites, and vendor case studies.
In setting out to do this research I was hoping to identify the major positives and negatives of lecture capturing. I hypothesized that the positives would be along the lines of:
- meeting student demand
- improvements in assessed learning
- improvements in student satisfaction
Negative aspects of lecture capture I was interested in finding data on include:
- decreased student attendance
- poor ROI
- fragmented and immature vendor market
This literature review only addresses the "negative" of student attendance, as no data on ROI or published analysis of the state of the vendor market could be located.
The published data, case studies, and analysis were all overwhelming positive towards lecture capture. This should come as no surprise, and should be taken with some skepticism, as almost everyone reviewing lecture capture are institutions that are piloting or rolling out systems, and therefore have a vested interest in showing success.
I was unable to locate any methodologically rigorous case/control studies that tested student learning, retention or satisfaction. The data that were available were drawn from non-controlled samples and students self-reports.
The graphs and figures shown below summarize the available findings on lecture capture. Data from various sources all indicate a very strong demand for the services among students, and a high student reported utilization and desire for these services. The Madison study showed 82% of students preferring a class with lecture capture. Students use lecture capture make up for missed classes, to review materials, to study for quizzes and exams, and to assist with homework.
As the Chronicle reported, "many professors worry that as soon as recordings are available, classroom seats will collect dust." The studies that I were able to gather seem to bear out the analysis of the Chronicle that:
"....proponents of the recordings say those concerns are overblown.
Many professors who make their lectures available online have added incentives to keep their classrooms filled.
And they say it actually improves learning and retention, especially in rigorous technical courses. At the same time, it is forcing professors to rethink how to use classroom time when basic information can easily be relayed online."
Student self-reporting on if lecture capture would lead to less classroom attendance did show a range of 11 to 33% of students reporting that such a system may be a factor in missing class. However, most of the quotes from students indicated that the benefits class attendance plus lecture capture far outweighed any cost. Schools that have utilized lecture capture systems continually stress the importance of utilizing lecture capture as a tool in the context of creating highly interactive classes. Other strategies for insuring attendance does not drop with lecture capture include utilizing formative (pop quizzes), breaking up lecture with small group discussion and presentations, and pre-recording lectures to allow class time for questions, answers and exercises.
This brief survey of the literature demonstrates a growing enthusiasm among students and educators for lecture capture. The primary conclusion I drew was that lecture capture is best implemented in the context of working with faculty members to design classroom environments that can potential of this tool to enhance learning. Lecture capture systems must be embedded in a larger methodology to support active learning in the classroom.
from Campus Technology 9/25/08 Lecture Capture: No Longer Optional?
n=432 - extracted from Vicki V. May Lecture Capture Pilot Project Results
Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning Summer 2008
Benoît Burdet, Cédric Bontron, and Pierre-Yves Burgi
Lecture Capture: What Can be Automated
Educause Quarterly, Number 2 2008
Carnegie Mellon Research
Assessing the Impact of Course Capturing Technology on Teaching and Learning
Linda L. Briggs. Classroom Capture: Lecture Recording System Draws Devotees at Temple. Classroom Technology. 2/14/07
Anne Eisenberg What Did the Professor Say? Check Your iPod
The New York Times. December 9, 2007
How Course Lecture Capture Can Enhance Student Learning
Mary Beth Harrity & Amy Ricci, WPI
Vicki V. May Lecture Capture Pilot Project Results
Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning
Summer 2008
David Nagel, "Lecture Capture: No Longer Optional?," Campus Technology, 9/25/2008,
Eduventures: Academic Innovations: Lecture Capture Systems Create New Opportunities for College-Level Learners to Achieve, Succeed. 2008
Kalyani Premkumar et al. 2007 64PremkumarKalyani1r.pdf
UNC School of Medicine Lecture Capture Pilot Investigation
Jeffrey R. Young. "The Lectures Are Recorded, So Why Go to Class?" Chronicle of Higher Education, May 16 2008
Raj Veeramani. Insights. Regarding Undergraduate Preference for Lecture Capture
University Wisconsin, Madison
September 23, 2008
White Paper: Datamonitor
Understanding the Competitive Landscape for Educational Technology (Technology Focus) An analysis of the leading LMS and lecture capture solutions
Jocasta Williams & Michael Fardon
Recording lectures and
the impact on student attendance
Alt-C 2007 Short Paper Presentation
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