So I'm researching a platform for a newsletter. And I'm hoping that someone will have an idea about the tool we need.
- Be able to auto generate an e-mail with the newsletter contents from a list of subscribers that we input.
- Web front-end to aggregate past newsletters and search content.
- Ability for readers to comment on individual newsletter stories from Website.
- Readers can self-subscribe to receive the e-mail newsletter.
- RSS feed.
Some Questions:
- We think we want the format of the e-mailed newsletter to be a pdf. This would give a nice document that can be printed or read on screen. Thoughts?
- I think we are looking for something that combines a static website (with new pdf newsletters added and aggregated) and a blog (with RSS feeds, commenting and searching within the content). Is this really what we we want?
- The thought is that the newsletter would be authored offline (say in Acrobat Pro or Word) and then uploaded to the site/platform - which would automatically send the newsletter to subscribers by e-mail as an attachment. Is this really what we want to do?
Seems to me as I write this that all these things could be done say starting a blog and uploading the newsletters - and then manually e-mailing out the newsletters. Doing this on a blog would allow commenting - and for people to discover the newsletter etc. who were not on our mailing list (or opt to consume it online). What am I missing? Is there a tool that does this all? Does Typepad have this tool? Or do we want something else?
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