Lessig's new book Remix look great (and is on my to read list) - one that would work well in a range of courses. Hope you enjoy the quick clip of Lessig on Colbert.
One reason I'm blogging this video is to have it for future teaching use. Perhaps have students respond to the video in a blog or discussion - or maybe role play in class taking Colbert's and Lessig's perspective (as Colbert really is a master of improv in his character).
Almost everyday I run across a video or clip that I think could have curricular applications. A learning content management system would be a great place to put a clip like this - tagged with keywords such as copyright, lessig, colbert, and hilarious.
Lessig has moved down the road - he'd be very high on my list of speakers to come and talk to us about open education. Are we doing enough to provide source content and easy tools that allow our students to learn by "remixing"?
I really like the way that the interview was remixed so quickly - highlighting some things I had not picked up:
Posted by: Pete | January 15, 2009 at 06:56 AM