Jim Yong Kim appears to me to be a marvelous and inspired choice for our 17th President at Dartmouth. I say this on Dr. Kim's merits, although I can't help but to be happy that he is also married to a pediatrician.
Dr. Kim - the one request that I'd have is that you think about blogging!
A number of college presidents are using their blog to reach out to both their local communities, alumni and the greater world.
A blog would be a great way for the College community to get an unfiltered view about what is on your mind, what you are learning, what you think is important, and where you are investing your time. The comments feature in a blog allows for a flattening of the organization, as any member of the community can respond to your posts.
As you make the transition now would be a great time to start blogging, as the community is very curious about your impressions, thoughts, and strategic vision. Starting a blog would be a great signal throughout the organization that the College values this sort of communication, and would help move the College along to set guidelines, offer training, and support to other campus stakeholders who may also like to blog.
We have found that our blog in Curricular Computing has been a great tool to make connections across campus, as a blog entry will often serve as the first step to a relationship.
For case studies and advice on the importance of blogging (and the use of other social technologies), I recommend Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies by Li and Bernoff
And again, welcome to campus.
Some examples of College Presidents that blog:
John Maeda at RISD: http://our.risd.edu/
Michael S. Roth at Wesleyan: http://roth.blogs.wesleyan.edu/
Ron Liebowitz at Middlebury: http://rononmiddlebury.wordpress.com/
Robert Caret at Towson: http://presidentcaret.org/
Michael Hoga at UCONN: http://blogs.uconn.edu/president/
Mark A. Emmert at U. of Washington: http://depts.washington.edu/presblog/blog/
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